The two certificates were presented to two photo collectionsthemed ‘Traditional Crafts’ in the print section and ‘Vietnam Viewed fromAbove’ in the digital session.
‘Traditional Crafts’ comprises 10 photos, while ‘VietnamViewed from Above’ is a collection of 20 photos, both taken by differentphotographers.
Regarding individual photo awards, Vietnamese photographerDzung Nguyen won an honourable mention certificate for his photoentitled ‘Phoi Chieu Coi’ (Drying sedge mat), which is one of the ‘TraditionalCrafts’ collection.
Biennials is one of the most important events offered byFIAP. They are organised every two years in a different member country. Evenyears for Black and White and Nature Biennials, odd yearsfor the Colour Biennial.
Biennials have a very particular characteristic, differentfrom the international contests. It is not only the quality of the individualwork that counts, but FIAP ask for coherent collections, as well of the viewpointof inspiration and conception as form the viewpoint of execution andpresentation.
The 29th FIAP Colour Biennial 2021 was held in France. Eachmember federation can select their own works or collections for submission,with a title for the collection being mandatory.
The entries were limited to 10 photographs in the colourprints section and 20 works in the digital colour images section.
The UK was named as the winner in the print section for itscollection ‘Minimalistic Landscapes’ while Russia was crowned in the digitalsection for the collection ‘On the nature of female beauty’.
Vietnam’s entries to the contest were selected from nearly760 artworks by 200 photographers by the VAPA./.