Traditional cultural beauty of Thai ethnic minority weddings

The Thai ethnic minority group in Vietnam’s northwest region in general and the Black Thai group in Son La province in particular are rich in cultural identity, especially when it comes to weddings. Let's join us to a traditional wedding of local Thai people!

This wedding ceremony retains the traditions of the Black Thai ethnic minority group in Son La. When a man and a woman fall in love and wish to get married, the groom’s family let the local matchmaker and his relatives take gifts to the bride’s house to seek permission, and the groom then visits the girl’s house to learn the answer.

Cumbersome or expensive traditional procedures, such as wedding challenges or certain obligations on the groom, have been removed from the modern wedding ceremonies of the Black Thai people in Son La. Other customs considered no longer relevant in the modern world have also been gradually removed, but key customs have been retained.

The Black Thai people believe that when a daughter is born, she is raised by her parents, grows up to marry, and then becomes a member of her husband’s family, while the groom has responsibilities and obligations towards his wife’s family. This is both a unique cultural feature and a humane custom connecting family members.

Today, the wedding customs of the Black Thai ethnic minority group have been simplified and are no longer as sophisticated as previously. The wedding ceremonies seen nowadays have been influenced by cultural trends found all around Vietnam./.