(Photo: VNA)
Phu Tho (VNA) – A programme entitled“Xoan singing in an ancient village” is being held during the death anniversaryof the Hung Kings at the Hung Kings Temple Festival in the northern province ofPhu Tho – home to this traditional singing genre – from April 7-12.
Artisans from the original Xoan guilds are to performat cultural relic sites, such as Lai Len shrine, Thet and Kim Dai communalhouses (Kim Duc commune), Hung Lo communal house (Hung Lo commune), and An Thaicommunal house (Phuong Lau commune) in Viet Tri city, according to theprovincial Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism.
Visitors are introduced to basic informationabout Xoan singing such as its origin and forms. Furthermore, exhibitions onXoan singing and Hung Kings worshipping rituals will be held to serve visitors.
Several years ago, Xoan singing was at risk ofdying out, yet has been revived in recent years and and spread among thecommunity. Hundreds of children at original Xoan singing guilds like Phu Duc,Kim Doi, Thet, An Thai, and Phuong Lau have been taught this traditional artform.
The UNESCOInter-governmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritagedecided to remove Xoan singing from its List of Intangible Cultural Heritage inNeed of Urgent Safeguarding and added to the Representative List of theIntangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity during its 12th session in December2017.
Xoan performances include singing, dancing, and drumming. Closely linked to the worship of theHung Kings, believed to be the founders of the nation, Xoan singing is traditionallyperformed during the first two months of the lunar calendar at holy places suchas temples, sanctuaries, and communal houses. Tourists will also find value in theworshiping itself as another UNESCO-recognised intangible cultural heritage ofthe humanity.
There are three forms of Xoan singing: worshipsinging for the Hung Kings and village guardian spirits; ritual singing forgood crops, health, and luck; and festival singing where villagers alternatemale and female voices in a form of courtship. So far, 20 out of the 30cultural spaces for Xoan singing practice have been upgraded. The organisationof traditional festivals in association with Hung Kings worship and Xoansinging has been maintained. In the past, only seven artisans were able to passdown this art form, but now the number has amounted to nearly a hundred.
Phu Tho is now home to 34 Xoan singing clubs at the provincial level, with over1,500 singers. Xoan singing is also practised at 64 clubs at the district leveland 42 others at the communal level.
According to Phung Thi Hoa Le, Director of theprovincial Centre for Tourism Promotion, in order to attract internationaltourists to Phu Tho, especially during the Hung Kings Temple Festival, theprovince has launched the tourism product of “Xoan singing in an ancientvillage” along with daily tours.
The centre has coordinated with Viet Tri city tohold Xoan singing performances from 2pm-4pm on a daily basis at Hung Locommunal house and the same time on weekends at Lai Len temple.
Destinations hosting the “Xoan singing in an ancientvillage” programme have welcomed over 13,000 tourists, including many from theUK, France, the Netherlands, and the US.
Director of the provincial Department ofCulture, Sports, and Tourism Nguyen Dac Thuy said the preservation andpromotion of the heritage value of Xoan singing have received special attentionfrom local authorities.
In the coming time, the department will continueconsulting the provincial People’s Committee to carry out programmes promotingthe heritage value of Xoan singing.
The cultural sector will also make documentarieson Xoan singing and boost the teaching of this art form at schools.–VNA