The paintings are the best works chosen from the second poster designcompetition “Khat Vong Hoa Binh” (Aspiration for Peace), organised by the museumand the HCM City’s Peace Committee.
The competition received 227 paintings from students of 10 universities acrossthe city, as well as from members of Nhi Xuan Social Centre in Hoc Mon district.
The works are coloured or black and white, reflecting the young people’sthoughts about war and their striving for a better life and world.
Speaking at the competition’s awards ceremony on June 10, Nguyen Tran Tam Ha,deputy director of the War Remnants Museum, said, “This year, the organisersreceived several quality paintings with the Vietnamese youth’s messages for apeaceful world.”
The organisers gave prizes for the 10 best works, such as Toi ac chientranh (War Crime) by Ho Dang Le of the HCM City University of Fine Arts,and Hau qua chien tranh (Aftermath of War) by Tran Ngoc Nhu Quynh ofthe HCM City University of Linguistics and Information Technology.
Representing the winners, Le said when receiving his prize that, “Our paintingsreflect the youth’s thoughts on war and peace. They also showed our wish for aworld without war and crime where human beings can live peacefully andhappily.”
“We hope the organisers continue to launch competitions for us to express ourthoughts, show off our talent and improve our skills and knowledge,” he said.
The “Khat Vong Hoa Binh” competition was first held in 2013 to create aplayground for the city’s students and young people.
The exhibition at the museum, 28 Vo Van Tan street in District 3, is open tothe public.-VNA