The tour takes place at the Vietnam Literature Museum, which covers an area ofaround 3,000sq.m and features displays of more than 3,454 artefactsrepresenting the quintessence of Vietnamese literature.
Visitors who take part in the tour will have the opportunity to visit thegardens of 20 notable Vietnamese figures, carry the Tam-Tai symbol to theTemple of Vietnamese Literature, and experience the Vietnamese literary space.
The literary tour also takes guests through the spaces of poet Nguyen Du andthe Kieu story, critical realist literature, President Ho Chi Minh and his bestpoems, Cricket's adventure diary, poet-playwright Luu Quang Vu and Xuan Quynh'sliterary career.
Nguyen Thi Thu Hue, Director of the Vietnam Literature Museum, stated that themuseum houses special and valuable relics, works, and stories from manygenerations of outstanding Vietnamese writers and cultural personalities.
Hue also stated that the museum's operations team is eager to communicate thatcultural and intellectual worth to the general population.
She has high hopes that the museum will become a go-to destination not only forthose who have a passion for literature but also for everyone and every family.
Phung Quang Thang, Chairman of Vietnam S.T.I.D, a co-organiser of the literarytour, said that while each guest has unique literary interests, they all caredeeply about protecting the country's cultural heritage.
Taking a literary tour, he explained, would make it possible for people of allages to simply have access to and learn about important culturalcharacteristics and other topics.
Thang wishes that the young people who attend the tour would develop a deeperappreciation for literature.
The Vietnam Literature Museum can be found in the Tay Ho neighbourhood of Hanoi,at 275 Au Co street in Quang An Ward. The three-story museum honours andshowcases the works of prominent Vietnamese writers.
The literary tour takes place every Saturday and Sunday and lasts for a totalof 90 minutes. The price of entry for adult is currently 150,000 VND (6.3USD)./.