Ca tru, alsoknown as Hat a dao, was recognised by UNESCO as an Intangible CulturalHeritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in October 2009.
It is an ancient type of music featuring female vocalists. It is acomplex form of poetry found in the north of Vietnam using lyricswritten in traditional Vietnamese poetic forms.
Ca tru groups comprise of three performers: a female singer who usesbreathing techniques and vibrations to create unique sounds whileplaying the clappers or striking a wooden box, and two instrumentalistswho produce the deep tones of a three-stringed lute and the strongsounds of a ceremonial drum.
Ca tru singingappeared in the north around the 15th century and thrived until theearly 20th century. Since then, it has lost popularity to imports ofmodern recreational forms and cultural activities.
This kind of singing is now practised in 15 provinces and cities across Vietnam.-VNA