The book recreates a short but very important historical momentin the August Revolution in 1945, when President Ho Chi Minh wrote the Declarationof Independence giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
Son has diligently collected, researched, classified andcompared sources to be able to obtain detailed, specific, and convincing documentsabout the Declaration initiated and completed by President Ho Chi Minh. Thoseare documents of people who lived and worked with the late leader rewritten orrecounted
Through documents that Son provides, readers know that PresidentHo Chi Minh read the original Declaration of Independence of the United Stateswhile in the Viet Bac war zone. After drafting, he read and consulted withmembers of the provisional government who were reputable intellectuals beforefinalising.
The book also cited History Professor Furuta Motoo of Japan’sUniversity of Tokyo as saying that PresidentHo Chi Minh’s career and his thoughts are of great epochal significance, notonly to the Vietnamese nation alone.
Dr. Tonnesson, a Norwegian historian, when researching thehistory of the August Revolution of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh, assessedthe Declaration of Independence as one of the main inspirations of a major struggleguideline, born after the Second World War. It was the process of gainingnational independence on a global scale.
On September 2, 1945 at Hanoi’s Ba Dinh Square, President HoChi Minh read the Declaration of Independence declaring the birth of theDemocratic Republic of Vietnam (now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam)./.