Artists preparing for SEA Games opening ceremony

The opening ceremony of SEA Games 31, with the theme “Welcome Southeast Asia”, will take place on May 12 at the My Dinh National Stadium in Hanoi. In preparation, some 1,000 artists and actors have been working hard to present rich, artistic performances combined with modern technology.

According to Meritorious Artist Tran Ly Ly, General Director of the opening and closing ceremonies of SEA Games 31, the team in charge has had about 45 days to prepare. This has put them under quite a lot of pressure. But thanks to the talent of the artists, such as musical director Bui Huy Tuan, dance directors Kieu Le and Hong Phong, and 30 choreographers, sound and lighting directors, and a technical team, preparations and practice have made good progress.

The highlight of the opening ceremony is a dance performance with images of bamboo, lotus leaves, ao dai, and conical hats, among other things. The ceremony will be a blend of traditional and modern elements. Projection mapping technology and virtual reality technology promise to present impressive imagery to the audience./.