The event was co-hosted by the Vietnam Federation of UNESCOAssociations (VFUA), the UNESCO Centre for Supporting Vietnamese ArtsPreservation and Development and the Business ForumMagazine.
Dozens of speakers discussed solutions to develop Vietnamese cultural identityto combine it with economic development.
The ancient costumes were designed by Dai Viet Quan Old Costume, Dai Viet PhongHoa, Da La Xuoc Phuc, Dong Phong, V Styles, Z and N. Most of the designers areyoung people, who do serious research and remake costumes, accessories andweapons.
The designers have gained income from offering old costumes and objects forrent. Most of their customers are students and young people, who use thecostumes for weddings, special events and create a new trend from old costumesin modern life.
Tran Huy Khoi, the initiator of Da La Xuoc Phuc, said this event is a goodchance for him to advertise cultural products as well as recognise efforts ofresearchers like him to remake old costumes.
Many new versions of ao dai (traditionallong dress) are on show at the event as well.
Tran Van Manh, Deputy General Secretary of VFUA confirmed heritage has a greatmeaning in national development.
“Vietnam has many valuable traditional customs handed down over thousands ofyears,” he said. “The country has spectacular mountains and rivers with manywonders of architecture, history and culture that have unique values. There arethousands of historical and cultural sites. Hence, Vietnam really has a greatpotential in culture and has the advantage to develop economic sectors based onexploiting the heritage’s economic values.”/.