In place of the usual ‘top-down’mentality where orders and targets are set by higher-ups, in 2018, the Ministryof Agriculture and Rural Development said its training programmes and curriculawill be crafted with input from enterprises.
With the needs and criteria ofpotential employers being taken in, the training is hoped to achieve practicalresults, ensuring those who received training can be hired by the firms inneed.
The change is in line with theGovernment’s new rural building programme and restructuring in the agriculturesector, said Ma Quang Trung, head of the department of cooperatives and ruraldevelopment, under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).
The ministry said surveys willbe sent to businesses and co-operatives, especially those that have alreadyestablished production and consumption ties with farmers. Training programmesand most of the budget for 2018 will be tailored for these businesses, as wellas businesses in important production areas or high-tech production areas.
As many as 104 agriculture vocational trainingclasses – covering topics from production, storage and manufacturing, butfocusing on nationally important products and local spearhead products – willbe held for workers in cooperatives. Another 16 classes on management skillswill also be held for 560 officials in charge of cooperatives affairs inlocalities.
The steering committee under theagriculture ministry recommended these tasks be undertaken by “all central-levelagencies, in direct coordination with businesses’ associations, generalcompanies or businesses who have placed orders for labourers at ministry-leveland local-level training centres.”
In 2009, then Prime Minister Nguyen TanDung approved the project “Vocational training for rural labourers until 2020”,and six years later, the amended decision No 971 came out with adjustmentsdeemed more practical.
The changes include raising the targetnumber of trained labourers in 2016-20 to six million and making sure that 80 percentof the trained workers are employed or have better wages andproductivity, a new requirement to combine “theoreticallessons with field practice”, as well as no longer distinguishing betweenpublic or non-public vocational training centres in the programme.
In 2017, the number of people receivingvocational training in the first nine months reached 162,180, or 77 percent ofthe target (210,430 workers), according to an agricutlure ministry’s reportsummarising vocational training activities in the first nine months.
The majority of the trained workers arein agriculture, reaching 120,000. Most of the trained workers in the agriculturesector this year – about 43,000 – are members of co-operatives or individualworkers in collaboration with agro-businesses.
Some successful co-operation modelsbetween the Government-sponsored vocational training programme and businessesinclude classes held to teach growing and harvesting techniques for rubbertrees for new employees of the State-owned Vietnam Rubber Group, training onVietGAP shrimp breeding for employees of Quang Ninh Seaproducts Import-ExportCompany and training on high-quality rice production for VinaFood 2.
According to the report however, theimplementation of the training programme still has a lot of room forimprovement.
The effectiveness gap of the programmeis one notable weakness. Midland mountainous provinces in the northern regionand the Central Highlands, despite receiving equal or more financial supportfrom the Government than other localities, recorded lower numbers of trainedworkers and a lower employment rate amongst those with training.
Follow-up support for the trained ruralworkers is also a problem, as without capital, these people would not be ableto establish a business to utilise the knowledge they have obtained. This is aserious setback for the training programme, as the goal is to ensure people’slivelihood and help them escape poverty.
A lack of “serious efforts anddetermination” on the parts of workers during training and a shortage ofqualified trainers are other issues that need to be addressed, the agricultureministry’s report said.-VNA