VNA strengthens role in multilateral press forum

The 44th Executive Board Meeting of the Organisation of Asia-Pacific News Agencies (OANA) was held in Hanoi on April 19, with the theme “For a professional and innovative journalism”.

The 44th Executive Board Meeting of the Organisation of Asia-Pacific News Agencies (OANA) was held in Hanoi on April 19, with the theme “For a professional and innovative journalism”. The hosting of the event once again affirms the role and voice of the Vietnam News Agency in this multilateral press forum.

Since joining the OANA in 1969, Vietnam News Agency has proven itself as one of the active members of the organisation. The agency was elected to the OANA Executive Board for two consecutive terms, with each lasting for three years.

Vietnam News Agency hosted the OANA Executive Board Meeting in 1989, 1999, 2005, and 2019, actively contributing to completing the organisation’s targets.

With the role of a “State news bank”, Vietnam News Agency performs its function as the State news agency and provides official and mainstream news for its partners at home and abroad via 15 news departments of domestic and foreign service.

The 44th Executive Board Meeting focused on three main contents, including strategies of news agencies in response to changes in information use behaviours which focus on video clips and the YouToube platform; fake news and fact-checking; and regaining trust for mainstream news. Theme of the event “For a professional and innovative journalism” was highly valued by participants.

This year’s hosting of the 44th OANA Executive Board Meeting has significant meaning as it marks the 50 years the agency has been a part of the OANA.-VNA