Theconsensus was reached by VGCL President Bui Van Cuong and and AFL-CIO PresidentRichard Trumka during the Vietnamese official’s visit to the US from September18-21.
Theyalso consented to intensify the exchange of experience in trade unionactivities and capacity improvement for trade union officials.
Cuongtold his host that the VGCL prioritises looking after the material andspiritual lives of trade union members and ensuring their welfare, building aharmonious, stable and progressive working environment in businesses, creatingstable, sustainable jobs with satisfactory incomes and improving capacity oftrade union organisations.
Trumkasaid the AFL-CIO has 12 million members and more than half of them work inpublic service sectors such as education, health care, electricity and water.
Hesaid wages and working conditions are among issues the AFL-CIO has paid dueattention to.
Followingthe meeting, Cuong met with representatives of trade unions of food-trade,steel and auto manufacturing sectors of the US.
Whilein the US, he also visited the AFL-CIO’s Solidarity Centre and met withrepresentatives of several agencies such as the US Agency for InternationalDevelopment (USAID), the Department of State and the Department of Labour.
Thetwo sides exchanged information regarding labourers and trade unions in eachcountry.
TheUS agencies were interested in efforts made by Vietnam and the VGCL in amendingthe Labour Code.
Cuongsaid the VGCL has participated in building, amending and supplementing lawsrelating to labourers and trade unions.-VNA