The event was co-held by the Vietnam GeneralConfederation of Labour (VGCL) and the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions(LO) in the central province of Thanh Hoa.
During the workshop, attendees discussed challenges incommunicating with workers in the old way, when trade unions had to ask forpermission from employers in order to meet and talk with workers for the establishmentof a trade union at workplace. The activities will be impossible if the employersdisapprove or refuse to cooperate.
The content of talks with workers in the past usually focusedon theoretical matters, for example the history of trade union, its roles,functions and significance, which does not catch workers’ attention.
Therefore, activists were advised to approach workersoutside the workplace, such as at their houses or through group activities incultural centres or clubs.
In addition, the workers should be given brief and morecomprehensible overview of issues of their interest, for example, wage,allowance and social welfare.
The trade union activists were also trained in how to guidethe workers to cooperate and protect each other, and help them establishworkplace trade unions.
VGCL Vice President Tran Van Ly said Vietnam has signed anumber of free trade agreements that require high commitments to implement theInternational Labour Organisation (ILO)’s conventions. Therefore, Vietnamesetrade unions must change to meet the demand of workers and labourers.-VNA