Vietnam eyes raising average floor area per person to 27 sq.m

Vietnam is looking to increase the average housing floor area per person to 27 square meters by 2025, in which the floor area per person will be 28 sq.m in urban areas, and 26 sq.m in rural areas.

The target is set in the national housing development strategy for the 2021-2030 period recently signed by Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh.

By 2030, Vietnam strives to increase the proportion of solid houses nationwide to 85-90 percent, with 100 percent in urban areas and 75-80 percent in rural areas; and equip 90 percent of houses nationwide with electricity and water supply and wastewater drainage systems.

The strategy also sets the goal of developing and repairing more than one billion sq.m of houses, equivalent to about 12 million apartments.

According to the Ministry of Construction, Vietnam’s average housing floor area reaches 25sq.m per person in 2021, one sq.m higher than that of 2020./.