In an open letter sent to business software usersearlier this month, the Ministry of Science and Technology warned that"90 percent of illegal software available contain virus and malware,which is an ideal environment for hackers to enter your system.
"Enterprisesusing or installing software will have a 73 percent higher risk oflosing important data, 55 percent risk of unrecoverable data when thehost system is broken and a higher virus infection possibility for theirpartners and clients, which not only harms their own privacy,information security but also puts the community at risk.
"Illegal software is considered major threat and cause of cyber security attack."
Globalresearch firm IDC earlier this year released a study it had done ofprivate computers in 81 countries, in which it saw a close link betweenunlicensed software and malware.
"The higher the unlicensedprivate computer software rate in the country, the more malwaregenerally encountered on private computers in that country," it said.
Accordingto the report, in 2013 the unlicensed software rate for the US was 18percent and the malware encounter rate averaged 13 percent per quarter.
In Indonesia, the figures were 84 percent and 44 percent.
In Vietnam they are 81 percent and 32 percent.
"Whilethis correlation neither proves or disproves causation, it clearlyshows that when unlicensed software rates are lower, malware encounterrates also are lower," the report said.
Roland Chan, seniordirector, compliance, at BSA | The Software Alliance in Asia Pacifictold Vietnam News: "Not all cyber security threats come from malware,and not all malware comes from unlicensed software. But, it isabundantly clear that some malware does come from unlicensed softwareand most malware constitutes a cyber security threat.
"Thedangers lurk in malware that can be embedded in the software, in thesites and sources from which the malware is obtained, and in thereluctance of users of unlicensed software to install security updates.But the evidence shows that unlicensed software is clearly associatedwith security threats from malware."
Malware and cyber attacks are dangerous and costly.
TheIDC survey said malware problems associated with unlicensed softwarecost organisations nearly 500 billion USD in 2014. Organisationsexperienced malware incidents once every three minutes.
A reportfrom the ministry shows that around 745 websites in Vietnam wereattacked in one week between late August and early September last year.
Anotherattack last year on a series of large websites by hackers betweenOctober 13 and 18 caused enterprises using VC Corp's data centre a lossof billions of Vietnamese dong.
To reduce the risk of cyber security incidents, experts suggest eliminating use of unlicensed software.
Chansaid "there are basic steps any company can take to ensure it is fullycompliant, like establishing a formal policy on licensed software useand maintaining careful records."
He suggested that companiesshould consider more robust software assets management programmes thatfollow internationally-accepted guidelines.
"The programmes candeliver substantial value by ensuring adequate controls are in place toprovide a full view into what is installed on a network. That helpsorganisations avoid security and operational risks."
A smart andeffective online system that provides companies with a tool to registerand manage software assets could also reduce security threats, expertssaid.-VNA