Hanoi (VNA) – Tourism managerial agencies andtravel companies suggested measures to attract more foreign tourists to Vietnamat a meeting in Hanoi on August 3.
Deputy Director of the Vietnam NationalAdministration of Tourism Ha Van Sieu said Vietnam has recorded vigoroustourism growth in recent years and is shifting its focus to the industry’squality, efficiency, competitiveness and sustainability so as to turn tourisminto a spearhead sector.
The country welcomed more than 10 millionforeign tourists in 2016, rising by 26 percent from 2015 and double the figureof 2010. It recorded 417 trillion VND (18.3 million USD) in tourism revenuefrom foreign tourists last year.
About 7.25 million foreigners visited Vietnam inthe first seven months of 2017, up 28.8 percent year-on-year.
Sieu said the tourism sector aims to raise thenumbers of foreign and domestic tourists by 30 percent and 12 percent,respectively, this year.
Tourism promotion has been expanded both at homeand abroad. It is also being enhanced online, he noted, adding that millionshave accessed the country’s tourism websites.
Travel agencies have also made use of majorevents such as APEC Year 2017, 2016 Asian Beach Games, the UPU letter writingcompetition, Da Nang International Fireworks Festival and Hue Festival topopularise Vietnam.
However, the official also admitted shortcomingsin tourism promotion, especially coordination among domestic and foreignparties. Poor communications activities, simple tourism publications and productsand few market surveys have hampered the country’s attractiveness toforeigners.
[Vietnam welcomes more than 7.2 million foreign visitors in seven months]
At the meeting, representatives of managerialagencies, travel firms, hotels and other businesses pointed out some reasonsfor the industry’s shortcomings, including that the functions of Statemanagement and tourism promotion have yet to be separated, modest State fundingfor promotion activities (about 30-40 billion VND, or 1,3-1.7 million USD, eachyear) and inappropriate public-private partnership mechanisms.
Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and TourismHuynh Vinh Ai suggested establishing centres specialising in tourism promotionin localities.
He also asked provinces and cities to combinetourism and trade promotion activities, work with Vietnam’s overseas culturalcentres to organise effective promotion events and optimise social networks inthe work.-VNA