Co-held by the Department of International Trade Promotion underThailand’s Ministry of Commerce and the Office of Commercial Affairs at the ThaiEmbassy in Hanoi, Top Thai Brands Hanoi 2021 is exhibiting a wide range ofproducts, from food and beverages, home appliances and household products,apparel, and fashion accessories to beauty and health care products, souvenirs,and travel services.
In her remarks at the opening ceremony, Morakot Janemathukorn from theThai Embassy said the trade fair is being held on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of Vietnam - Thailand diplomatic ties. This year’s holding aims tofurther strengthen the two countries’ economic relations, bringing benefits andprosperity to both sides and their people.
Vietnam - Thailand trade grew at an average pace of 7.3 percent eachyear in 2015-2020. Despite the impact of COVID-19 last year, bilateral tradereached nearly 16 billion USD, accounting for 30 percent of Vietnam’s totaltrade with ASEAN member states.
Pannakarn Jiamsuchon, Minister Counsellor at the Thai Embassy in Hanoi,said that as cross-border travel restrictions remain in place to prevent thespread of COVID-19, the Thai Department of International Trade Promotion came upwith an idea that enables the trade fair to be held in Vietnam without thepresence of Thai representatives. Instead, Thai businesses can send theirproducts for exhibit in Vietnam.
If Vietnamese importers see something they are interested in, they cancontact Thai partners online, she said.
During the four-day fair, visitors are given a chance to experience Thaiculture such as the traditional Songkran festival and Thai boxing, and thecountry’s cuisine./.