It was arrangedby the Centre for the Study of Vietnam and ASEAN (CIVAS) under the Institute ofFar Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IFES RAS), togetherwith the Institute for European Studies at the Vietnam Academy of SocialSciences.
Dr AlekseyMaslov, head of IFES RAS, and Associate Professor Nguyen Chien Thang, Directorof the IES, underlined the significance of meetings and exchanges of viewpointsbetween the countries’ scholars, affirming that they cannot be hampered byCOVID-19.
About 30scientific reports were delivered during the symposium, focusing on the threemajor themes of Vietnam’s August Revolution, the socio-economic situation inVietnam and the world, and the country’s culture and art.
Participantsalso touched on the country's accomplishments in international integration and its relationswith the US, China, Russia, France, and ASEAN.
Some presented reports on intensive agricultural production and maritime ecosystemsafety in Vietnam, its participation in the Greater Mekong Subregiondevelopment programme, educational development, the traditions of local ethnic minoritygroups, and the conservation of folk arts.
A new yearbookwill be published by CIVAS by early 2021 based on the reports, which isexpected to help Russian scientists and practitioners better understand Vietnamas a trusted strategic partner and friend./.