Accordingly, the Prime Minister requested the synchronousand effective implementation of the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and controlprogramme for 2022-2023 and working to ensure safe production and business.
Ministries, sectors, and localities are required to developspecific action programmes and plans to carry out the tasks and solutionsassigned in Resolution No.11 of the Government, with the focus on synchronouscoordination of monetary, fiscal and other policy tools to maintainmacroeconomic stability, curb inflation, and ensure major balances of theeconomy and the safety of credit institutions as well as active support forsocio-economic recovery and development.
Ministries, sectors and localities must strictly managerevenue sources and exert efforts to increase state budget revenue, save statebudget expenditures, and take back recurrent expenditures that are slow to beallocated.
Heads of agencies and sectors are responsible for slowdisbursement because the acceleration of the disbursement is one of the keypolitical tasks in 2022-2023 of each ministry, sector and locality.
All sectors and localities should strive to disburse all ofthe public investment plans in 2022 in line with ensuring the quality of theworks and the effective use of public investment. Strict and timely sanctionsfor acts of corruption to cause a delay in capital allocation, implementation,and disbursement must be imposed.
In the first quarter, the Government leader asked ministries,agencies and localities to complete a number of tasks to immediately implementand promote the effectiveness of the socio-economic development and recovery programme,including developing a plan to flexibly adjust public investment capital in theMedium-term Public Investment Plan for the 2021-2025 period and the programme'spublic investment in 2022-2023./.