PMChinh affirmed that Vietnam will implement the vaccination strategy effectivelyand safely in a timely manner.
Healso proposed the WHO to support and assist Vietnam to become one of thevaccine production centres in the Asia Pacific region, adding that with thecapacity of the medical sector of Vietnam as well as potential of someVietnamese businesses, Vietnam could produce vaccines meeting internationalstandards. He applauded the WHO Director-General’s suggestion to send WHOexperts to support Vietnam in this process.
Heappreciated the cooperation and support of the WHO for the development of themedical sector of Vietnam over the past 45 years.
Vietnamsupported global medical efforts and appreciated the role of the WHO and the Director-Generalin coordinating international cooperation in disease prevention and control,particularly in COVID-19 prevention and control and in promoting equal COVID-19vaccine access across the globe, he said.
Duringthe pandemic, Vietnam has strived to implement the “dual goal” of fightingagainst the COVID-19 while recovering socio-economic development with supportand cooperation of the international community, including the WHO, and of theVietnamese people, and has achieved initial positive results, PM Chinh said.
Forhis part, Tedros spoke highly of Vietnam’s success in implementing the “dualgoal”, particularly the country’s active and creative measures, resoluteleadership of the Government and the participation of the whole politicalsystem, contributing to Vietnam’s pandemic prevention and control efforts tomake the country an effective COVID-19 prevention model in the world which was widelypopularised by the WHO.
Heapplauded Vietnam’s assistance to international friends in the fight againstCOVID-19 and thanked the Vietnamese Government for its commitment to contribute500,000 USD to the COVAX programme.
TheWHO Director-General also thanked Vietnam for receiving and successfullytreating a UN staff member who contracted COVID-19.
Tedrossaid Vietnam would be prioritised to get quick access to sources of vaccines aswell as become a vaccine production centre in the region. The WHO would sendexperts to support Vietnam’s vaccine research and production efforts meetinginternational standards, he added./.