As of June 23, Vietnam has conditionally approved fourvaccines against COVID-19, namely Comirnaty of Pfizer, A2D1222 of AstraZeneca,Sputnik-V of Gamalaya, and Vero-Cell of Sinopharm to serve urgent needs of pandemicprevention and control, the ministry said, adding that Moderna vaccine is alsoin the process of being approved.
Following international practice, all vaccines, before beingput into emergency use in Vietnam, must ensure three factors of safety,immunogenicity and most importantly, protection effectiveness.
All of the above-mentioned vaccines had to go through threephases of clinical trials, of which the third phase involved from 20,000 to 50,000participants.
Specifically, the third phase of AstraZeneca's vaccine wascarried out in 11 countries with 49,626 participants, Vero-Cell vaccine in sixcountries with over 45,000 participants, Sputnik-V in five countries with21,977 participants, Pfizer's vaccine in six countries with 43,418participants, and Moderna vaccine in four countries with 30,420 participants,according to the ministry.
In the context of COVID-19 breaking out worldwide, theurgent authorisation of a vaccine against the disease is necessary. However, this doesnot mean skipping the mandatory clinical trial stages, the ministry added./.