PM orders measures to stabilize stock, corporate bond markets

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has asked ministries and agencies to take measures to stabilise the stock and corporate bond markets.

In a recent document, PM Chinh urged relevant ministries and agencies to effectively and concertedly implement tasks and solutions set in the previous documents to ensure that the markets operate in a safe, healthy and transparent fashion, and protect legal rights and interests of investors.

The ministries of finance, and planning and investment, and the central bank should keep a close watch on the developments of the domestic and foreign financial, monetary, stock and corporate bond markets to take timely measures to stabilize the markets, he said.

They were also requested to provide mainstream and accurate information about management policies and guidelines, the macro economy, and the financial and monetary system and the implementation of the economic recovery program.

Businesses joining the markets must also publicize information in line with legal regulations, the PM noted./.