Hung Yen (VNS/VNA) - The northernprovince of Hung Yen is branding itself as the gateway to Hanoi city, in aneffort to attract tourists and market its cultural sites and products.
In its tourism development plan, recently approved by theprovincial authorities, the ancient Pho Hien (Hien Street) relic complex andthe Hong (Red) River eco-travelling lodge have been listed as trademarks of HungYen tourism.
The province has set a goal to develop tourism industry as akey sector for economic development. The province seeks to tap the abundance oflocal products, as well as improve facilities, and promote its culturalidentity.
Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Nguyen DuyHung said the province has set out a variety of basic targets for development,in which priority was given to the development of the tourism industry;facilities and products that appeal to tourists; and particularly theprotection of natural resources and the environment.
The province also directed local tourism authorities to focuson improving transport infrastructure and urged the business sector to investin this field, said Hung.
He said, on the one hand, the province will focus on domesticmarkets, mainly attracting tourists from Hanoi and other provinces in the RedRiver Delta as well as other provinces in the country.
On the other hand, he added, it will expand to internationalmarkets including those in Europe, Australia, and North America.
Those in Northeast Asia and ASEAN member countries will alsobe considered, according to Hung.
Hung Yen has, for several years, undertakenmeasures to preserve the ancient Pho Hien relic complex, which is recognised asa special national heritage site.
Numerous projects have been implemented in the locality since1997 to restore Pho Hien, in a bid to protect its cultural and historic value.Repairs have been made to the Xich Dang Temple of Literature, the ChuongPagoda, the Mau (Goddess) Temple, and the Dong Do Quang Hoi and Hien Pagodas,among others.
Now the province has cordoned off nearly 2,000 hectares ofland to carry out a master plan to preserve ancient Pho Hien in line with localtourism development.
Furthermore, the province has paid consistent attention torestoring Pho Hien traditional cultural festivals in order to maximise thetourism potential of the locality. Worshipping places in the complex remainparticularly popular among domestic tourists.
The Pho Hien relic complex contains countless pagodas andtemples built in Vietnamese, Chinese and western architectural styles. ACatholic church boasting a gothic architectural style was built in Pho Hienduring the 17th century.
The complex was also once a bustling commercial port on theRed River, reaching its heyday in the 17th and 18th centuries. Pho Hien wassecond only to the imperial capital city of Thang Long as a trading point. Itwas well-known among foreign traders, especially those from China, theNetherlands, Japan and France.-VNA