Old teacher’s free classes nurture village kids

Many generations of kids in a hamlet, in Van Ninh district, the central coastal KhanhHoa province have graduated from free classes of a disabled teacher in her 60s.

Truong ThiPhuc, a resident in XuanTu 2 hamlet, Van Hung commune, has used her small and simple house which can accommodate 10 kids to teach them from kindergarten to fifth grade pupils in the village.

Phuc suffered paralysis on her right leg after catching a fever at the age of two, however she has overcome this difficulty to become a teacher.

Over the last 40 years, many kids have grown-up from Phuc’s  free classes and become useful to society. She hopes she can help more kids in the fishing village have a better education.

Phuc only finished high school, but she has never stopped learning. She also studies the physiology of young kids in order to introduce suitable lessons to them.

Thank to Phuc’s teaching, for years her kids have always become outstanding at their schools.

With strong determination and strong love for kids, Truong ThiPhuc has triumphed over the harshness of life to educate younger generations.-VNA