Ganesh Ladchumanopaskeran, head of IT,Microsoft Southeast Asia told Vietnam Investment Review that Microsoftstrategy would help governments, businesses and users around the worldto maximise the potential power that cloud computing brings to them.
* Microsoft’s Techdays 2013 in Vietnam is themed “Powered on Cloud”. What would you highlight at this event?
Yes, as you can see techdays has become the familiar and most-wantedIT day of the year in many countries in the world and in Vietnam. It isan occasion to introduce the latest IT technologies and solutions toenterprises, clients, IT experts, meanwhile it is also opportunity forIT developers, experts, users in IT community to gather, exchange on ITtrend and demand. This year, we take theme of “Powered on Cloud” tohighlight the power of cloud can bring to people today both in work andlife.
According to IDC, the ability of cloudcomputing services to transit from being just hype to become a moreconcrete trend is based on the needs of its citizens. We see a bigmomentum in the enterprise world of companies adopting cloud. Indeed,there is a survey saying that by 2016, the vast majority of projects runby enterprise companies would be “cloud first”, meaning starting withcloud. I hope that, our cloud services, solutions and products presentedat the event today will help attendants have an overall picture ofupdated IT trends and from that they can choose suitable IT solutionsand services for their organisations.
* What is Microsoft’s Cloud OS strategy and how will these new enterprise cloud products play into this strategy?
The Cloud OS strategy, at the highest level, is to take what thetraditional operating system has always done – manage applications andhardware – but do that at the scope and scale of cloud computing bycustomers with a consistent platform that spans customer datacenters,hosting service provider’s datacenters and Windows Azure. The focus ofthe strategy is to provide solutions that help organisations take ontoday’s top IT challenges and opportunities, such as cloud computingmodels, big data, BYOD and application development. Our products andsolutions deliver on the vision, helping customers transform theirdatacenters, enable people-centric IT on devices, unlock insights fromdata and deliver modern apps.
* How does Microsoft deliver hybrid cloud?
These new products reflect our Cloud OS strategy to provide aconsistent platform across customer, service provider and Windows Azureclouds. For example: Windows Server and SQL Server are the sametechnologies that customers deploy in the cloud on Windows Azure or on aservice provider cloud, and they power Windows Azure itself.
For example, Windows Azure Infrastructure Services run on Hyper-V, andWindows Azure SQL Database is based on SQL Server technologies. SystemCenter 2012 provides customers with unified application andinfrastructure management across on-premises, service provider andWindows Azure resources.
Software Defined Networking featureswithin Windows Server and System Center allow customers to extend theirnetworks to Windows Azure and service provider clouds.
* Microsoft also introduced new Windows at Techdays 2013. Could youplease share what’s new for businesses with Windows 8.1?
Networking features optimised for mobile productivity. Windows 8.1improves mobile productivity for today’s workforce with new networkingcapabilities that take advantage of NFC-tagged and Wi-Fi connecteddevices. Security enhancements for device proliferation and mobility.Security continues to be a top priority for companies across the world,so we’re making sure we continue to invest resources to help you protectyour corporate data, applications and devices with modern accesscontrols, multi-factor authentication using Virtual Smart Cards andfingerprint-based biometrics. Improved management solutions to make BYODa reality.
As BYOD scenarios continue to grow inpopularity among businesses, Windows 8.1 will make managing mobiledevices even easier for IT Pros with improved IT controls, remotebusiness data removal form company-connected devices, workplace join andOpen MDM (mobile device management) that enables third-party MDMsolutions, such as MobileIron or AirWatch, with no additional agentrequired. More control over business devices. Businesses can moreeffectively deliver an intended experience to their end users – whetherthat be employees or customers with Assigned Access and Windows Embedded8.1 Industry for POS systems, ATMs and Digital Signage.-VNA