MISA AMIS was introduced as the most comprehensivecorporate governance platform and covering the four core aspects of finance,business, personnel, and management, featuring dozens of apps for each.
The platform is useful in resolving the threemajor issues facing businesses in IT application: a lack of funding forequipping themselves with foreign enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems,existing solutions being unable to follow the entire development process of thecompany, and poor connectivity between solutions applied in different divisionsand with external systems.
Based on cloud computing, MISA AMIS helps staff workanytime from anywhere and on many different devices, keeping enterprises’operations uninterrupted even amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dinh Thi Thuy, General Director of platformdeveloper the MISA company, said it will help businesses concentrate data toconduct analysis and make decisions in a swifter and more timely and precisemanner. Better connectivity with external partners will also create more addedvalue for both sides when partners join the platform.
Currently applied at more than 12,000enterprises, MISA AMIS is one of the “Make in Vietnam” platforms introduced andsponsored by the MIC to promote digital transformation./.