Hung Yen developing its orange brand

The northern province of Hung Yen is renowned for its diverse range of fruit, including lychees, longans, and oranges. Its oranges have gained in popularity over recent years and won the trust of customers both in and outside of the province. Local authorities are therefore actively implementing various strategies to further strengthen the renown of the Hung Yen orange brand.

Dong Thanh commune in Kim Dong district has emerged as one of the key hubs for orange cultivation in Hung Yen, boasting an expansive area of over 200 hectares dedicated to orange orchards.

The orange season in the area has reaped the sweetest fruit over the past decade thanks to adherence to VietGAP standards.

Local farmers have expressed their happiness at bountiful harvests and improved prices, surpassing results in previous years.

The total area under orange cultivation in Hung Yen now spans 1,800 hectares, with more than 700 hectares cultivated under VietGAP standards.

To maximize the economic returns from orange cultivation, the local agricultural sector has prioritised the circulation of technical guidelines on growing oranges in compliance with VietGAP standards and has also encouraged organic farming practices.

The province has also pursued trade promotion activities to identify new consumer markets.

Previously, Hung Yen oranges were only cultivated in Khoai Chau and Van Giang districts on a relatively small scale.

In recent years, however, the cultivation area has been continually expanded, and this year is expected to yield over 21,000 tonnes./.