(Photo: hanoimoi.com.vn)
Hanoi (VNA) – Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Nguyen DucChung on October 15 hosted a reception for Finnish Minister of Economic AffairsMika Lintila and a business delegation, during which he said the capital cityalways welcomes enterprises from Finland to study market and seek cooperation opportunitieshere.
Hanoi is accelerating the implementation of a project to sustainably developsmart urban area until 2025, he said, stressing that a steering board forinformation technology application was set up while the city has worked tocomplete residential database to serve local people, enterprises, and thecity’s management activities.
In addition, an information system on education and training and healthcare hasbeen accomplished, he said.
Mika Lintila, for his part, spoke highly of the friendship between Vietnam andFinland, and underlined that both sides pose huge potential for further collaboration.
Holding strengths in infrastructure development and settlement of environmentalpollution, Finnish firms stand ready to share experience with Hanoi in building asmart city in the coming time, he said.
At the event, 17 Finnish enterprises briefed the Hanoi leading official on theirstrengths in water management technology and cyber space security, expressingtheir hope that the visit will open new cooperation opportunities for bothsides.-VNA