Exhibition shows shades of traditional lacquer art

Thirty artworks by Bui Quang Thang and Nguyen Vinh Thinh depicting different shades of traditional art are on display at an exhibition titled ‘Voc & Dang’ (Lacquer Panel and Posture) in Hanoi.

Thirty artworks by Bui Quang Thang and Nguyen Vinh Thinh depicting different shades of traditional art are on display at an exhibition titled ‘Voc & Dang’ (Lacquer Panel and Posture) in Hanoi.


While Thang stays loyal to traditional slender, shy and discreet postures, Thinh shows a different social and aesthetic view on modern women. Thang’s paintings include the romantic love that seems to echo from the old days. Thinh’s paintings evoke rapid rhythms and more fiercely sensual emotions of today’s love. 

Thang carves shapes onto the lacquer panel then paints on the surface, while Thinh paints on lacquer panels or, sometimes, canvas. He follows the steps of traditional lacquer art such as forming; inlaying gold and silver leaves, eggshells and mother of pearl; sanding; shining and polishing. 

The exhibition will run until August 11 at VICAS Art Studio in Hanoi. -VNA