Cairo (VNA) – Egyptian Tourism Minister Rania Al-Mashat on December 29 affirmed that her ministry will coordinate with the Vietnamese Embassyin Egypt to create favorableconditions for relatives of Vietnamese tourists who were killed and injured inthe bomb blast in Giza to come to the country.
In a statement, Al-Mashat sent her condolences to Vietnamese Ambassador toEgypt Tran Thanh Cong after the bomb attack targeted a tour bus near Gizapyramids on December 28 killed fourpeople, including three Vietnamese tourists and one Egyptian.
The sameday, a group of the Red Crescent organization gave psychological support to the Vietnamese victims in the deadly bomb attack.
The Vietnamese Embassy in Egypt is makingevery effort to support the injured victims whoare treated at the hospital, while working with local authorities to conduct the citizen protection work.
Earlier, the Egyptianmedia reported at 18:15 of December 28 (local time), a tourist bus carryingVietnamese tourists was hit by bombs installed along a road near the country’s world-famous Giza pyramids.
The improvised device was hidden installed near a wall on Mariyutiyastreet in Al-Haram district.
Egyptian authorities are actively conducting investigationinto the attack.-VNA