He made theremark at the 5th Congress of the Vietnam Association for Support toPeople with Disabilities and Orphans in Hanoi on April 14.
Addressingthe event, Deputy PM Dam spoke highly of the leaders and members of theassociation who have provided care and protection of rights for people withdisabilities and underprivileged children over the past 25 years.
Thanks tosuch efforts, millions of them have overcome their disabilities anddisadvantages and become models of success, Dam lauded.
He noted thatstate agencies should take account of factors affecting disabled people inpolicy-making decisions and in developing action plans to protect their rights dueto the increasing social pressure on these people.
The Deputy PMalso applauded progress made by the association, in which it has not only performedcharity works but also strives to protect disabled people’s rights. He hopedthat the association will continue taking part in making policy and supervisingthe enforcement of laws and policies for people with disabilities andunderprivileged people.
He called onVietnamese people to actively participate in the association’s campaigns whilethe business community was urged to practise corporate social responsibility forthe society’s sustainable development.
Theassociation estimated that it has raised more than 1.86 trillion VND in cashand gifts and offered assistance to over 6 million people during 2012 – 2017.
In thecongress, the association sets to raise about 1.65 trillion VND for 2017-2022.It plans to offer employment opportunities for about 7,000 people; provide freeeye surgeries for 38,000 people as well as free heart surgeries andrehabilitation for 5,000 others; and purchase 30,000 health insurances fordisabled people, orphans and poor households in the period.
The congresshas voted 73 members for the association’s executive board and elected VicePresident of the association’s 4th Central Committee Luong Phan Cu asthe new President for the 2017-2020 term.-VNA