TheASEAN officials will meet with dialogue partners from China, Japan, theRepublic of Korea and India as well as representatives from the EuropeanUnion and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on separateoccasions on November 13.
At the annual meeting, they willreview regional activities and projects in terms of telecommunicationsand IT while considering relevant suggestions and discussingorientations to report to the 13th ASEAN Telecommunications andInformation Technology Ministers Meeting (ASEAN TELMIN).
Thetwo-day ministers meeting themed “Connecting Communities, Co-CreatingPossibilities” will begin on November 14. In conjunction with thismeeting, the 2013 ASEAN ICT Awards Ceremony will be held to honour theregion’s most outstanding innovations and IT applications.
Senior ASEAN telecommunications and IT officials will meet with ITUleaders and the aforesaid dialogue partners in separate meetings onNovember 15.-VNA