Hanoi (VNS/VNA) - More than 250 delegates, from over 150 higher educationinstitutions of 15 countries in the region and around the world, discussedquality culture in higher education institutions at the ASEAN-Quality AssuranceForum 2019 which opened in Hanoi on November 7.
Theevent, entitled “Networking for Building and Sustaining Quality Culture inHigher Education Institutions”, is hosted by the Foreign Trade University(FTU).
Speaking atthe opening ceremony, FTU President Bui Anh Tuan said that quality assurance isa concern and mission seriously completed by every member of the university.
“Qualityculture can be built and sustained only when each individual, department andfaculty in the university understand, take proper care and responsibility, havesmooth and systematic cooperation to meet the needs of stakeholders,” said Tuan.
“Therefore,at this forum, we hope to exchange and learn experiences from countries in theregion and the world in the field of quality assurance in general and qualityculture building and sustaining in higher education institutions inparticular,” said Tuan.
“Ourstrategic objective of quality assurance towards 2030 is that quality cultureat FTU as a whole becomes the core to performing research, training activitiesand community service,” added Tuan.
At theevent, Mai Van Trinh, Director-General of the Quality Management Agency underthe Ministry of Education and Training said that quality culture has alwaysbeen one of the key elements of the internal quality assurance system in everyhigher education institution.
Qualityculture has played a decisive role in the sustainability of quality assuranceactivities. It is also the foundation for all activities of every highereducation institution, including teaching, learning, researching and servingthe community.
“Therapid and robust development of science and technology required highereducation to make a breakthrough in order to meet the requirements ofsustainable socio-economic development of every nation. Higher education alsoplays an important role in the innovation industrialisation and modernisationof a country, making a contribution to building and developing a learningsociety with broader studying opportunities,” said Trinh.
“Highereducation, therefore, is required to continuously develop in scale, improvequality, maintain strong connectivity with businesses, and meet the expectationof employers. In order to achieve these targets, we must pay proper attentionto building, maintaining, and developing quality culture at institutional,regional and national levels,” added Trinh.
Duringthe four-day event, participants will focus on exchanging and discussingvarious topics, such as networking and sustaining quality culture in highereducation institutions; the role of QA networks in the changing ASEAN highereducation landscape; and digitalisation of higher education and itsconsequences on QA.
Participantswill also propose solutions to connect higher education institutions and stakeholdersand contribute to the process of building credibility between individuals andorganisations.
The forumis an opportunity for local and international participants to exchange andshare your knowledge and experiences in higher education quality assurance andother issues of common interest, especially the inter-regional cooperationbetween ASEAN and Europe.
The eventalso witnessed the official establishment of the ASEAN-QA Association(ASEAN-QAA).
The eventis under framework of the ASEAN-Quality Assurance project since 2011 that aimsto enhance capacity for staff working in quality assurance of higher educationinstitutions./.