The story, titled "Bi mat trong canbuong" (Secrets in the Room), written by Vu Thien Kieu from the southernprovince of Kien Giang, was among more than 350 entries by Vietnamesepeople around the world, delivered one month after the contest waslaunched.
Organised by the Centre for Studies andApplied Sciences in Gender-Family-Women and Adolescents, the contest ispart of a project to enhance the rights of lesbians and encourage men toact against domestic violence in Vietnam.
The jurycomprised noted poet Hoang Nhuan Cam, popular writers Le Minh Khue andTrang Ha, and critics Van Gia and Chu Van Son.
"Although the topic of LGBT is not quite new, there are only a fewpieces on the subject," said Cam. "It is necessary to create a forum ofexchange between writers, artists and the LGBT community, through whichLGBT people and composers can understand one another."
More than 10 pieces were selected for prizes, all of which express adesire to love, be respected and benefit from equality with others insociety, he said.
Kieu's story was unanimouslyselected by the jury, he noted. The writer also has another story thatwas selected for the finalists' entries.
"I thinkthe contest has created a foundation for literature pieces on humanity,belief, and life values featuring people who always strive to live up towhat is good, true and beautiful," said Kieu.-VNA