Jointly organised by the Ministry ofNatural Resources and Environment and the ASEAN Centre forBiodiversity (ACB), the event aims to bring benefits to stakeholders whohave livelihoods depending on biodiversity.
Nguyen The Dong,Deputy Director of the General Department of Environment said the eventis a good chance for ASEAN countries to share achievements reached intheir national action plans on ABS, while further increasing theirunderstanding of ABS related issues, which are required to be solved atregional and national levels.
ACB Managing DirectorAtty.V.Roberto Oliva said the workshop is the last one in a series ofsimilar events in the region under a project to strengthen the capacityof Southeast Asian countries to hasten ABS programmes through theircountry’s legal systems.
At the event, experts working in theABS field suggested that countries build a legal system ensuring accessand use of gene sources as well as preservation of genetic resources andthe sharing of benefits from the use of gene sources.
Thesystem should include regulations on contracts between gene providers,particularly countries with rich bio-diversity, and users which includeindustrial sectors and research facilities. The proceeds from the signedcontracts will contribute importantly to conserving biodiversity, thuspromoting poverty reduction for stakeholders joining thebiodiversity preservation.
At the previous regional workshopsheld in the Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia, thecountries were provided with knowledge about ABS and the NagoyaProtocol on ABS and taught the tools to use when identifyingstakeholders and their capacity to develop and implement national ABSframeworks.
Vietnam became a member of the Convention onBiological Diversity (CBD) in 1994, but the country has not ratifiedthe Nagoya Protocol on accessing genetic sources and sharing thebenefit from using genetic sources.
The country is working toassess its policy and law system as well as the country’s managementcapacity in ABS to implement the regulations of the Law onBiodiversity, towards becoming a member of the Nagoya Protocol in thecoming time.-VNA