Theworkshop offered a venue for sharing lessons and experience of experts from UNWomen and UN agencies, and representatives of countries that have implemented national action plans on women, peace, and security, thus providing an overview and proposinginitiatives for agencies and stakeholders in Vietnam about the possibility ofdeveloping its own national action plan.
Inhis opening remarks, Assistant to the Foreign Minister and Directorof the Department of International Organisations Do Hung Viet affirmed that Vietnam attaches specialimportance to ensuring gender equality and advancement of women in all socialaspects, and always supports and promotes issues related women, peace andsecurity.
Vietnamesewomen are participating in most areas of life, he said, noting that they havejoined UN peacekeeping operations in the Central African Republic and SouthSudan, he said.
Duringits tenure as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in 2008-2009,Vietnam proposed and promoted the adoption of the UNSC's Resolution 1889 on women's role in the post-conflict period.
Within ASEAN, Vietnam has actively contributed to the development ofregional policy frameworks on women, peace and security, he added.
Meanwhile,Acting UN Resident Coordinator in Vietnam Rana Flowers said thatVietnamese women are making more and more contributions to UN peace missions.
Vietnamhas so far sent 75 representatives, including women, to participate inpeacekeeping missions in many regions of the world, she added.
However, the official also mentioned challenges that need to be addressed, includingfinance-related issues and budget allocation for the implementation of women,peace and security agendas.
Participants focused their discussions on practices and solutions ofcountries to further enhance the participation of women in the WPS agenda./.