Pavel Krasilnikov, Deputy Director of the Eurasian Centre for Food Security of MoscowState University, said Vietnam’s organisation of the Food Security Week is verygood in all stages, from accommodations for delegates to transportation andespecially security.
“I was impressed when attending the sessions because all of them were very wellarranged, signaling professional preparations,” he said.
Vietnam’s proposals during the Food Security Week are very timely, he said,noting that globally, there are certain concerns about impacts of agricultureon the environment. That’s why developing green agriculture, as suggested byVietnam, is very important.
Pavel Krasilnikov said he also had interesting experiences when travellingseveral local destinations.
“It is important to understand about the life of normal people before speakingabout food security,” he added.
Patrick Moran, Lead Shepherd of the APEC Oceans and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG), stressed that Vietnamhas done a great job in 2017, saying it has been a productive and effectiveyear.
“In terms of content, we have addressed agriculture, fishery, aquaculture andother issues such as food security. I am very pleased with the progresses made this week,” he said.
There is a tendency in food security discussions to talk mostly aboutagriculture, and sometimes, fisheries and aquaculture. But actually, fisheriesand aquaculture are very important in the region for food security, Patrick Moran said.
He suggested Vietnam continue its international cooperation and participate inmore international dialogues to gather and share knowledge about food securityand climate change.
A delegate from New Zealand said Vietnam’s initiatives relating to climatechange are very good, commenting on beautiful Can Tho city and great logisticsservices offered by Vietnam.
Suryana Sastradiredja, Minister Counsellor at theEmbassy of Indonesia, highlighted Vietnamese people’s hospitality and thecountry’s excellent organisation of the first, second and third APEC SeniorOfficials Meetings.
John Paul Kendiga, Director of the Economic Research, Policy Planning, Programming and Coordination Branch under the Department ofAgriculture and Livestock of Papua New Guinea, said the Food Security Week isvery useful as his country is facing climate change impacts similar toVietnam’s.-VNA