The two leaders expressed their delight at meeting each otheragain after the Malaysian PM’s official visit to Vietnam in July andapplauded the great strides in their countries’ strategic partnership.
President Thuong affirmed that Vietnam treasuresthe multifaceted cooperation with Malaysia, a partner of leading importance ofVietnam in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
To continue strongly promoting bilateral cooperation, he askedthe two sides to implement the outcomes of the Joint Committee’s seventh meetingwhile soon finalising the negotiations on and signing treaties and agreements tocreate a basis and framework for more intensive and extensive collaboration.
The State leader of Vietnam called for coordination tobolster trade and investment to raise bilateral trade to 18 billion USD in thetime ahead, and on the Malaysian Government to assist Vietnamese enterprises to produceand export Halal products to Malaysia.
Hethanked Malaysia and expressed his hope that the country will expand assistancein personnel training for Vietnam and boost locality-to-locality ties,including the coming establishment of the twin relationship between Hoi An cityof Vietnam and Melaka city of Malaysia.
PresidentThuong suggested Malaysia create conditions for Vietnam to persuade theEuropean Union to remove the “yellow card” warning against Vietnam’s fisheriessector. He also asked both sides to maintain effective coordination in therepatriation of Vietnamese fishermen.
Forhis part, PM Ibrahim affirmed that Malaysiaattaches special importance to the multifaceted relations with Vietnam.
He said he is impressed with Vietnam’s socio-economic developmentachievements, stressing the wish to enhance cooperation in economy, trade,investment, and manpower training.
Bothleaders stated that their countries will keep close coordination at regionaland international forums such as the United Nations and APEC; strive to maintainthe solidarity and centrality of ASEAN to help build an ASEAN Community ofstrong development, solidarity and resilience; and support Laos to fulfill itschairmanship of ASEAN in 2024.
About issues of shared concern, including the East Sea, they agreed tosupport the maintenance of the common viewpoint of guaranteeing peace and stability,seriously implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the EastSea (DOC), and working towards a code of conduct (COC) in the waters that issubstantive, effective, and in conformity with international law, including the1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
PM Ibrahim voiced his hope that President Thuongwill pay a visit to Malaysia in the near future./.