Vietnamese leaders receive Cuban PM

Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz is paying an official friendship visit to Vietnam at the invitation of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh. On September 29, the Cuban guest was warmly welcomed by host leaders.

Welcoming Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz and the Cuban government delegation at the Party Central Committee headquarters, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong stressed that the visit will contribute to deepening the special traditional friendship between Vietnam and Cuba.

The Party Chief stressed Vietnam will always accompany the Cuban Party, State and people, and try the best to support Cuba within its capacity.

Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz expressed his thanks to the warm welcome from the Vietnamese leaders and people. He conveyed greetings from Cuban leaders to the Vietnamese Party chief.

Expressing his admiration for the great achievements Vietnam has gained over the past years, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz emphasized that the achievements and experiences of Vietnam are an important source of encouragement and reference for his country.

On this occasion, General Secretary Trong sent greetings to the leaders of the Cuban Party and State, expressing his wish to welcome them to visit Vietnam again in the time to come. 

On the same day, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc received Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz and the high-ranking delegation of the Cuban government.

Welcoming the guests, President Phuc expressed his sympathy and sadness with Cuba over the recent fuel-depot fire that caused great damage to the country. The State leader affirmed that Vietnam will continue try its best to support Cuba within its capacity.

Phuc suggested that the two countries coordinate in implementing dialogue and cooperation mechanisms between the two Parties and States; promoting people-to-people exchanges; and that Cuba create favorable conditions for Vietnamese investors in the country.

Prime Minister Mannuel Cruz thanked the Vietnamese Party and State leaders for the warm and sincere welcome. He also thanked Vietnam for sharing difficulties with Cuba in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

He said, there will be some important celebration activities in the coming time, including the 50th anniversary of the historic visit of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro to Vietnam, and the 40th anniversary of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the two countries (1982-2022).

At the National Assembly headquarters, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue warmly welcomed Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz and the Cuban delegation, who are paying an official friendship visit to Vietnam.

Chairman Hue shared with Cuba the losses caused by the explosion of a fuel depot at the Matanzas industrial park in early August, and recently the serious damages caused by the storm Ian in the western region of the country.

The Vietnamese top legislator affirmed that the National Assembly and people of Vietnam always support the revolutionary cause of the Cuban people and attach great importance to the special cooperative relationship between the two countries.

Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz expressed his thanks to the warmly welcome given to him and the Cuban delegation.

The PM affirmed that Cuba highly appreciates the special traditional friendship between the two countries, which was laid by President Ho Chi Minh and President Fidel Castro and cultivated by generations of leaders and people of the two countries./.