Hanoi (VNA) – The ministries ofnational defence of Vietnam and Laos agreed to continue promoting theeffectiveness of cooperation mechanisms during their leaders’ talks in Hanoi onDecember 4.
General Ngo Xuan Lich, Politburo member, ViceSecretary of the Central Military Commission and Minister of National Defence,affirmed that Vietnam always treasures the great friendship, specialsolidarity, and comprehensive cooperation with Laos, and that the VietnameseMinistry of National Defence will keep sharing experience with and assistingLaos in COVID-19 response and helping the Lao People’s Army improve itscapacity.
For his part, General Chansamone Chanyalath,Politburo member and Minister of National Defence of Laos, offered sympathiesover the losses suffered by the Vietnamese army and people during the recentfloods in the central region.
He congratulated Vietnam on its fulfillment ofthe 2020 ASEAN Chairmanship, including the successful organisation of ASEANmilitary - defence meetings, amid complex developments of the global andregional security situation and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
He affirmed that his ministry will continuesupporting Vietnam to successfully hold the 14th ASEAN Defence Ministers’Meeting (ADMM) and the 7th ADMM Plus next week.
Laos attaches utmost importance to the greatfriendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation with Vietnam, theminister emphasised, appreciating the Vietnamese Defence Ministry and militaryunits’ support and assistance for the Lao army in many aspects, including theexchange of experience and provision of medical supplies in the COVID-19 fight.
Expressing their delight at defence cooperationoutcomes obtained this year, the officials pointed out that despite complexdevelopments of the global, regional, and COVID-19 situation, cooperationbetween the two armies have still developed unceasingly, helping to ensuredefence - security stability and socio-economic development in each nation anddeserving its status as an important pillar in the countries’ relations.
Both sides have also fruitfully carried out the2020 cooperation plan, they said, highlighting the timely mutual assistance insharing anti-pandemic experience and provision of medical supplies.
This reflected the two defence ministries’proactiveness, timeliness, and flexibility in the face of the new context, aswell as their resolve to not let COVID-19 affect bilateral defence ties,according to the ministers.
For 2021, they agreed to coordinate in directingtheir defence ministries’ agencies to effectively implement cooperation dealsbetween the two Parties, States, and defence ministries.
The ministries will further consolidate andpromote the effectiveness of cooperation mechanisms, especially the defencepolicy dialogue at the deputy minister level.
Besides, they will increase all-level mutualvisits, boost coordination between their border management and guarding forcesin combating trans-national crimes like smuggling and drug trafficking, andstep up border patrols as well as the management of the shared borderline,border gates, and border crossings to thoroughly prevent illegal exit and entryso as to help prevent COVID-19 transmission.
They will also continue to share army buildingexperience and guarantee political stability and social order and safety ineach country, thereby contributing to the success of their countries’ nationalParty congresses.
Concluding the session, the two defenceministers signed the cooperation plan for 2021 between their ministries./.