The article said such growth is underpinned by diversesectors, from high-tech manufacturing to natural resources, and bolstered bysignificant trade relationships, especially with the US and China.
“Vietnam's economic reforms have created a virtuous cycle:reforms spurred exports, which in turn drove economic growth, leading toincreased domestic demand. This trajectory has positioned Vietnam as a dynamicand integral part of the global economy, with a domestic market that continuesto show robust growth potential,” wrote the article.
It said Vietnam has grown into awell-diversified economy that strikes an attractive balance between export-ledgrowth and growing domestic demand that enjoys robust exports in addition to agrowing domestic consumer base.
Vietnam's public equity opportunity set is heavily weighted towards financials,real estate and consumer staples. In the MarketVector Vietnam Local Index, thetop 10 holdings are skewed towards these sectors, and are also heavilydependent on domestic revenues. This also lends credence to the argument thatthe Vietnamese economy enjoys robust domestic demand.
Local Vietnamese stocks, meanwhile, have outperformed broad emerging marketsbenchmarks since 2018. The article assessed that given Vietnam's economic andmarket-structure progress over the past decade, investors should look closelyat this emerging opportunity./.