As many as 750 families impacted by flooding inthe Alarobia, Anosivavaka and Morarano districts of the capital cityof Antanavario received essential commodities such as rice, cookingoil, milk and canned food.
The activity was valued by the Madagascan authorities, promoting Vietnam’s image in the African island nation.
Tropical Storm Chedza crossed Madagascar on January 19, causing flashfloods and damage in Antananarivo and surrounding areas. UnitedNations statistics report the storm killed dozens of people and forcedevacuations for 44,000 people from their homes. An estimated 101,000people were impacted by the disaster.
Vietnam and Madagascarestablished diplomatic ties in 1972 and Vietnam opened its Embassy andConsulate in the country in 2004. About 400 Vietnamese-Madagascan peopleare living in the African county.-VNA