Bangkok (VNA) – Chairwoman of theNational Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan met with President of the Cambodian NationalAssembly Samdech Heng Samrin on the sidelines of the 40th General Assembly ofthe ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA 40) in Bangkok on August 26.
The Vietnamese top legislator expressed her hope that the close and effectivecooperation between the two legislatures will contribute to enhancing theVietnam-Cambodia relationship.
The two leaders highlighted the effective and result-oriented cooperationbetween the NAs across spheres, as well as their mutual support at regional andinternational inter-parliamentary forums, contributing to promoting cooperationand reaching common perception in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) and AIPA.
Heng Samrin said the Cambodian Senate and NA stand ready to back Vietnam’s AIPAChair in 2020.
On this occasion, he thanked the Party, State and people of Vietnam for savingCambodians from the genocidal regime as well as supporting the country duringthe national reconstruction.
NA Chairwoman Ngan said she wants Heng Samrin and the National Assembly tocreate favourable conditions for the organisation of exchanges betweenparliamentarians of the two countries in 2019 and 2020.
Lauding joint efforts in fulfilling 84 percent of border demarcation and markerplanting, she urged the two sides to soon complete the remainder, contributingto building a shared border of peace, friendship, cooperation and development.
Ngan expressed her hope that the two NAs will continue their coordination, fora united AIPA.-VNA