Practice shows that Vietnamese officers and soldiers are fullycapable of integrating and successfully participating in internationalpeacekeeping missions in a multinational, multilingual and multiculturalenvironment; and coordinating in multi-dimensional operations on a globallevel. These achievements come from the preparation and training of UNpeacekeepers by the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations under the Ministryof National Defence.
Accordingly, Vietnam has well conducted pre-deploymenttraining with the motto of increasing practical training and general exercises,thus helping Vietnamese officers and soldiers quickly adapt to the workingenvironment of UN peacekeeping missions.
In June 2018, the UN recognised the Vietnam Department ofPeacekeeping Operations as one of four international training centres in theregion to conduct training under the Tripartite Partnership (Vietnam, the UNand Japan). In 2018-2020, Vietnam organised three training courses for morethan 100 international and domestic trainees on the operation of heavyengineering equipment, which was then applauded by the UN Deputy SecretaryGeneral.
The country also organises a bilateral exercise with Indiaon UN peacekeeping operations every year, and has coordinated with partnercountries such as the US, Canada, the Netherlands and the UK to organisedozens of training courses in Vietnam, for logistics officers, staff officers, mission military specialists, and military observers.
Recognising the importance of foreign language teaching forsoldiers, the department has held more than 40 English trainingcourses for more than 500 officers, and soldiers of the level-2 field hospitalsand the engineering unit. At the same time, it has coordinated with the FrenchDefence Attaché Office in Hanoi to organize French courses forofficers preparing to join French-speaking missions such as in Central Africa./.