The project oncompetitive energy market development through 2030 with a vision towards 2045covers three sub-sectors - coal, gas, and electricity - which play a core rolein energy production and consumption in the country.
It is expectedto contribute to satisfying the requirements of socio-economic growth, reachingtargets and policies set by the Party and the State and enhancing internationalintegration.
Other objectiveslie in diversified investment and business methods, the efficient exploitation anduse of energy resources, and connectivity among the three sub-sectors.
In the coalmarket, State-owned enterprises will have a core role to play inexploitation, production, and business during the period. The sub-sector isalso set to attract more foreign businesses and private investors, especially regardingcoal imports.
Vietnam plans toconsolidate and perfect the competitive wholesale power market in the next fiveyears and put into operation a retail power market in line with the Prime Minister’sDecision No 63/201/QD-TTg dated November 8, 2013./.