Following is the full text of her speech.
“Mr. Chairman,
1. Allow me, at the outset, to convey our warmest congratulations onyour assumption of the Chair of the First Committee this year. It is ourstrong belief that with your able leadership, this year’s session willarrive at a successful outcome.
It is my great honour today torepresent Vietnam at the United Nations for the first time. Isincerely look forward to working closely with friends and colleagues indischarging my responsibilities in the time to come.
2.Vietnam associates itself with the statement by H.E. Ambassador DesraPercaya of Indonesia on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement and thestatement by H.E. Ambassador Libran Cabactulan of the Philippines onbehalf of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Mr. Chairman,
3. We begin the work of the First Committee this year against thebackdrop of a number of novel challenges. From Africa to Asia andEurope , crises and simmering tensions have characterised internationalsecurity over the last year, despite much effort to peacefully settledisputes. As the Secretary-General has put it, not only has it been aterrible year for the principles enshrined in the Charter of the UnitedNations, but disarmament itself is also now viewed as a distant dream.
4. In the face of such daunting challenges, it is crucial thatwe need to redouble efforts to lay further foundation for an atmosphereof strategic trust conducive to better international security for eachand every Member State . In our view, core elements of suchapproach include respect for fundamental principles of international lawand the Charter of the United Nations, especially respect for nationalsovereignty and territorial integrity, peaceful settlement ofinternational disputes, and efforts aimed at reducing the reliance onthe resort to the use of force in international relations.
Mr. Chairman,
5. Towards the goal of general and complete disarmament, nucleardisarmament should remain the top priority. We are heartened by recentefforts toward this end, including the recent Informal MinisterialMeeting in commemoration of the International Day for the TotalElimination of Nuclear Weapons, and recent meetings on the HumanitarianConsequences of Nuclear Weapons. We are of the view that all states needto accelerate efforts to address outstanding issues related to nucleardisarmament. These include consultations on a nuclear disarmamentconvention, negotiations of a legally binding instrument on negativesecurity assurances, and the initiation of negotiation of a fissilematerial treaty. We call for more signatures and ratifications of theComprehensive Test Ban Treaty at the earliest possible opportunity,especially those by states whose ratifications are necessary for theTreaty to enter into force.
6. In this connection, wereiterate the pivotal role of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)in the global regime of nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation andpeaceful use of nuclear energy. The 64-point Action Plan adopted at the2010 Review Conference of the NPT must be seriously and expeditiouslycarried out. As we are nearing the next Review Conference, there areserious concerns that we are lagging behind in terms of both substantiveand procedural preparations. The upshot and atmosphere at recentmeetings within the NPT framework clearly show that more seriouscommitment and practical achievements are badly needed if we are toproduce good results at the Review Conference in less than seven months.
7. On a more positive side, we are encouraged by the effortsmade by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in ensuringnuclear security and promoting the peaceful use of nuclear technology.We commend the hard work by the Agency, through which more and morestates, including developing countries, benefited from its technicalassistance. Vietnam always places a premium on nuclear safety andsecurity. We made our utmost efforts to fulfill our responsibility asthe Chairman of the Board of Governors of the IAEA for the term2013-2014 in a balanced and efficient manner. We are grateful for thekind cooperation and support from all Member States. Vietnam is alsocooperating closely with the IAEA and international partners indeveloping our nuclear energy infrastructure. We also activelyparticipated in the recent Nuclear Security Summit in the Netherlands.
8. Another important element of the global regime fornuclear issues is nuclear weapons-free zone and Mongolia ’s nuclearweapons-free status. Therefore ASEAN always attaches great importance tothe Treaty on Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapons Free Zone and is workingclosely with the nuclear weapons states with a view to concludingnegotiations on the signing by the Nuclear Weapons States (NWS) of theProtocol to the Treaty without reservations. We are pleased with theresumption of meeting between ASEAN states and the NWSs last Wednesdaythe 8th October on the margins of the First Committee and look forwardto continued engagement with the NWS. It is also our hope that theconference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone free of nuclearweapons and other weapons of mass destruction would soon be convenedwith substantive outcome before the next NPT Review Conference (RevCon).It is crystal clear that the outcome of the Review Conference wouldhinge, not in a small part, upon this conference.
Mr. Chairman,
9. We share the view that it is the sovereign rights of states toretain, import, and manufacture conventional weapons for legitimateself-defence. We support the continued implementation of the Program ofAction on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) to curb the illicit tradeof SALW across borders. We would like to stress that the implementationof the Arms Trade Treaty, given its entry into force later this year,should be carried out in a balanced and non-discriminatory manner.
10. We also support the humanitarian purposes of the conventions oncluster munitions and anti-personnel mines. At national level, Vietnamis in fact implementing various elements of these conventions,including establishing national mechanism and action plan to addressconsequences of explosive remnants of war in Vietnam . We are alsoworking closely with international partners in this important area.
Mr. Chairman,
11. Progress inthe field of disarmament depends largely on the international securityenvironment. But it also devolves on the disarmament machinery, which ismore and more widely seen as short of producing results. Whileupholding multilaterally agreed principles, we could explore ways topromote efficiency in the disarmament machinery, for instance probingsynergy among emerging mechanisms like the resolution on Follow-up tothe High-level Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament and the initiative onhumanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons. We are also open to morediscussion on improving the work of the First Committee.
12.In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, I would like to reiterate our willingnessto work closely with you and other Member States to ensure a successfuloutcome of this year’s session, thus contributing to building upmomentum for further successes next year when we celebrate the 70thanniversary of the United Nations.
I thank you, Mr. Chairman”.