Hanoi (VNA) - The State Audit Office ofVietnam (SAV) has seen an increase in its international cooperation activities overrecent years, contributing to its growth amid the country’s widespread globalintegration.
Regarding bilateral ties, the SAV has formedpartnerships with over 50 Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) globally and signed29 international agreements with SAIs and international organisations. Many ofthe SAIs play a significant role in international organisations, such as the International Organisation of Supreme AuditInstitutions (INTOSAI) and the Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions(ASOSAI), as well as audit offices in China, India, the Republic of Korea,Russia, and Canada. The SAV also has cooperative ties with accreditedaccounting and audit organisations such as the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)and Certified Practising Accountants (CPA) in Australia.
On multilateral coordination, the SAV has actively and proactively takenpart in activities of regional and global audit organisations. In September2019, it successfully held the 14th Congress of ASOSAI, themed “Environmental Audit for Sustainable Development”, andwas elected as ASOSAI Chair for the 2018-2021 tenure. The SAV is also a memberof the ASOSAI Governing Board from 2015-2024. Such external activities havebeen a turning point, making important contributions to improving SAV’s staturenot only at home but also in the region and the world.
During its development, the SAVestablished and expanded relationships with responsible sponsors such as the EU,the World Bank (WB), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the US Agency forInternational Development (USAID), and the Canadian Audit and AccountabilityFoundation (CAAF), to attract resources to improve audit capacity. Technicalsupport projects helped SAV perfect its mechanisms and improve audit quality,contributing to carrying out the action plan for the implementation of its developmentstrategy to 2020.
It is necessary to build on pastachievements and take greater responsibility in the international community to maintainits stature.
To fulfil tasks assigned it by theParty and the State, the SAV needs to continue improving the professionalcapacity of its officials, cadres, and auditors, and perfect its apparatus,policies, mechanisms and regulations in the field.
During 2020-2030, the SAV willcontinue to enhance global cooperation and integration activities, effectivelytap into and expand bilateral relations, actively follow multilateral rules andstandards, and fully pool international resources to meet audit requirements ina timely and effective manner.
To that end, the SAV will continuepromoting bilateral ties with SAIs in both breadth and depth, increase thesharing of professional experience via conferences and workshops, and reviewthe delivery of international commitments, towards signing cooperation deals toimprove the SAV’s capacity in priority fields.
It will selectively acquireinternational experience to serve training, update experience in auditingemerging issues, hold and manage reference materials, and study the building ofan online system to facilitate access to such materials.
At the same time, it has joined multilateralcooperation organisations, is fulfilling its role as ASOSAI Chair and member ofthe ASOSAI Governing Board to 2024, ran for membership of the INTOSAI GoverningBoard for the 2019-2025 period, was ASOSAI Secretary General following 2017, willbe Chair of the ASEANSAI after 2028, has sought and will seek to bid as anindependent auditor for international organisations, especially ASEAN and UNagencies, during the 2021-2030 period, and be the coordinator of ASOSAI andINTOSAI projects and research activities after 2025.
The SAV will initiate an annualmultilateral forum to update professional knowledge and experience in theregion and build and restructure its departments in a professional manner,towards turning Vietnam into an outstanding country in ASEAN-4 in terms ofaudit capacity before 2030.
It will also strive to makebreakthroughs in seeking and launching foreign-invested projects, actively andpromptly grasp assistance trends in the new circumstances, and via its annualconference raise mutual understanding between the SAV and sponsors like the WB,the ADB, the EU, USAID, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the CAAF,the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), and the Swiss StateSecretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).
The sector will improve its capacity fornegotiation and project design, draw up two or three technical support projectsbefore 2030, build an audit manual that meets international standards, step up theaudit of projects using ODA, and become a trustworthy audit organ of majorsponsors such as the WB, the ADB, JICA, and the Korea International CooperationAgency (KOICA)./.