Thao made the statement while meeting with President of theParliament of the Wallonie region Jean-Claude Marcourt as part of his visit toNamur province on March 22.
Both sides agreed to enhance ties bilaterally and within theFrancophone community amid global and regional uncertainties. They also emphasisedthe importance of maintaining delegation exchanges between the NationalAssembly of Vietnam and Belgium’s federal and regional parliaments to furtherdeepen relations.
Vietnam has reopened its economy in the post-pandemic period, Thao said.He expected that on the basis of the two countries’ bilateral cooperationprogramme from 2022 – 2024, the Parliament of Wallonie will continue providingall possible conditions and support for stronger cooperation in priority areas,such as agriculture, healthcare, education and climate change response.
He also highlighted the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement(EVFTA) as a driving force for post-COVID-19 recovery and a contributor to bolsteringthe relations between Vietnam and Wallonie.
Highly appreciating the voice of the Parliament of Wallonie, heasked Marcourt to push for the ratification of the EU-Vietnam InvestmentProtection Agreement (EVIPA), which is important to provide enabling businessclimate for enterprises from both sides.
Marcourt, for his part, said he looks forward to anopportunity to visit Vietnam and work with the Vietnamese National Assembly inthe coming time and stands ready to accelerate delegation exchanges.
Wallonie treasures ties with Vietnam and highly values thecountry’s achievements during the “Doi moi” (renewal) period and what it hasdone to boost socio-economic development, he said, adding that the Belgiumregion is seeking cooperation opportunities with Vietnam in the fields ofpharmaceuticals, biotechnology, logistics, and climate change response.
He also pledged to further push for the ratification of theEVIPA at the Wallonie Parliament./.