Accordingto the report “East Asia’s changing urban landscape: Measuring a decadeof spatial growth”, Vietnam’s position in the urban hierarchy jumpedduring the 2000−2010 decade from having the seventh-largest amount ofurban land in 2000 (2,200 square kilometres) to the fifth-largest amountin 2010 (2,900 square kilometres), overtaking Thailand and the Republicof Korea.
Urban areas in Vietnam grew spatially at 2.8 percent per year, among the fastest rates in the region.
Thecountry has the sixth largest urban population in East Asia (23 millionpeople) with an urban population increase of 7.5 million, going fromfrom 19 percent (living in urban areas of 100,000 people or more) to 26percent between 2000 and 2010, the report said.
Although Vietnamdoes not have any megacities of 10 million or more people, Ho Chi MinhCity (7.8 million people) in the south and Hanoi (5.6 million people) inthe north are among the region’s largest urban areas.
The WBfound the most notable figure regarding urban expansion in Vietnam to bethe rapid growth of the Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City urban areas. Theirrates of expansion (3.8 percent and 4.0 percent per year, respectively)are much greater than those of urban areas in other East Asiancountries, except China.
The report also said if the region’snew urban population from 2000 to 2010, with nearly 200 million peoplewere a country unto itself, it would be the world’s sixth largest.
It added there were 869 urban areas in East Asia with more than100,000 people, including eight megacities of 10 million or more people,572 urban areas in the smallest population size category of 100,000 to500,000, and 106 cities with between 1 and 5 million residents.
Forthe first time, the data compares urban areas and their populations in astandardised manner across East Asia, providing governments and localleaders with a better understanding of the shape and scale of the growthso they can improve urban planning initiatives and create opportunitiesfor all, said a WB press release.-VNA