Minister of Public Security General To Lam, on behalfof Vietnamese Party and State leaders, presented the orders, including 18 first-, second- and third-class IndependenceOrders and 39 first-, second- and third-class Labour Orders, to the Lao units and officers when he has been accompanying President Nguyen Xuan Phuc on his official friendly visitto the neighbouring country.
The orders have showed the acknowledgement andappreciation of the Vietnamese Party, State and people of achievements the Laopublic security forces have recorded over the past six decades, Lam said.
Such achievements have actively and effectively contributedto consolidating and fostering cooperation between the two ministries in safeguardingnational security, and ensuring social order and safety in each country, he added.
The Vietnamese public security forces always stand sideby side, and fruitfully cooperate with their Lao counterparts in anycircumstances to complete tasks entrusted the Parties, States and people of the two nations.
On behalf of the awardees, Lao Minister of PublicSecurity Senior Lieutenant General Vilay Lakhamphong attributed achievements ofthe Lao public security forces to the wholehearted support and assistance of the Vietnameseside.
He suggested the Lao and Vietnamese public security forcesraise vigilance against plots of hostile forces that aim to undermine thesolidarity between the two countries, while strengthening coordination to performtheir tasks./.